Sunday, 23 December 2012

Creating The Sound Collage

Creating The Sound Collage

From looking at the feedback from my class members and teacher me and Ellie decided to ditch the second song and add a sound collage, layered with different sounds, this will give a sense of normality and give the location the sense of danger that it requires. Hopefully the sound collage will also give the scene the urban feel that it currently lacks. We have used a number of different sound layers such as car alarms, dog barking, baby crying and police sirens. Each individual sound symbolizes the life of our main character, they also symbolizes the stereotypical neighbourhood she lives in. All the different sounds are ambientmsounds taken inspiration by "Fish Tank". I edited the layers of sound on MixPad. As my role of editing sound I had to find these different sound effects from copyright free websites to ensure our work was royalty free. Below is an image of the editing process for creating the final mp3 layer that will be added to Premiere and into our film opening. Most of the sounds we have used are ambient a sound found in one of the films we responding to. 

Because we wanted the sound collage to appear it was coming from outside I had to manipulate the sound levels and equalize some of the sound effects. After playing around with each individual sound layer I was able to put them into place at the right volume levels, ready to be converted to an mp3 file and added to Premiere. This is an image of the sound collage in place, in premiere where it will be throughout the film opening.

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