Sunday, 21 October 2012

Film Opening Sequence Analysis Using the style of Art of the Title

Film Opening Sequence Analysis Using the style of Art of the Title

six feet under

The use of shots in the title sequence of Six Feet under is specifically chosen to represent what the film is about. This gives the audience an understanding of what is to come but without giving away too much. The title ‘Six Feet Under’ suggest the story is about death, the 9 screen shots match this theme and show different aspects of death. Each shot doesn’t reflect main characters or storylines but shows the most common theme that appears throughout the film. In every shot there is also a lot of space between the foreground and background, this makes the title sequence not too hard to watch but quite gentle and easing as opposed to high contrasting, flashing bright busy images. The title sequence uses iconography to portray the themes of the film giving a clear yet uncertain idea of what to expect from the film.
The first shot is a low angle shot looking at the sky this doesn’t immediately tell the audience what the film is about but it does however give a sense of solitude and loneliness ad there is only one bird in flight as opposed to a flock. It appears that the bird is actually a crow which is a symbolic image that represents death staying to the theme of the film. In this shot it also includes the name of the lead actor/actress.
The second shot is more symbolic of life and death and the distances between people that death brings. It shows a hand grasping for another hand, (symbolising perhaps someone grasping for life) in between the ands is a tree. This isn’t significant at the moment but will soon become a clear logo of the film in future shots. The use of colour in this shot also highlights depression and darkness that is brought with death. In this shot it also includes the name of the lead actor/actress.

In the third shot the representation of death is more clearly shown compared to previous shots. It is the foot of a dead body with a tag; the location is a morgue which is another symbol of death. This shot tells the audience more clearly that the most common theme throughout the film will be death. In this shot it also includes the name of the lead actor/actress.
The forth shot in the sequence is of the wheels of a hospital bed, this is another shot that can be clearly identified as being a symbol of death/illness giving a clear representation of the films main theme. The shot doesn’t include any major story lines or anything about the characters; it does however include a name of an actor from the film. 

In the fifth shot of the title sequence, like the previous shots it focuses on different aspects of death and illness. This time it is of an actual dead body in a morgue and gives an even clearer idea of what the film is about. By having a shot of the dead body as the middle shot it allows the audience to understand what the theme through the film is, if they hadn’t figured it out yet. The body in the shot isn’t centre but is lower in the screen making the focus of the shot the credits which are contrasted against a pale background. 

In the sixth shot, it also stays to theme of showing different aspects of death. This shot is a hand clasping another hand perhaps at a funeral. This is showing the pain and emotion that is felt when losing someone you love. This shot focuses on a different aspect of death compared to the other shots, showing that the film will also be dealing with the emotion and pain felt by family members and friends of the diseased. In this shot it also includes the credits of producer as opposed to previous shots which included names of actors/actresses. 

The seventh shot in the title sequences is darker compared to the other shots. It shows a dark creature climbing onto someone’s bed; this could represent ‘Death’ taking his victim. This can be seen as the creature is hidden from behind its hair. This could also show the darkness and evil that is thought when a loved one is taken. The title sequence is starting to show darker aspects to death as compared to the shots before which was more emotional and showed lighter aspects. In the shot it also includes credits to the crew members.

In the eight shot of the title sequence it shows a gravestone in a cemetery with no name, however on the grave stone there is the name of the director, this indicates it is one of the last shots of the sequence as the director always ends the credit list. The grave stone is one of the most symbolic and iconic use of representation to portray death. This is why it is the last shot in the sequence. The shot is also in sepia compared to previous shots which are in colour with low saturation, all these factors show the emotion and depression that is caused by death

In the very last shot of the title sequence is the name of the film, with the tree seen at the beginning of the title sequence. Below the tree is where the title is located almost like a coffin under the ground, this is also showing the audience what the theme of the film is. The ninth shot is edited in low saturation, high contrast but still in full colour.

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